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You Don’t Need 50,000… You Need 1,000 Loyal Customers

In today’s hyper competitive and connected world, where customers can switch to another provider with the click

of a mouse or rethink a purchase decision based on a single online review or encounter with your organization, earning

the loyalty of customers has proven to be elusive.

Organizations offer lower prices, provide incentives, or construct reward programs, only to find that the benefit of such

measures is often muted and/or short-lived. Such measures may change customers’ short-term purchase behaviors, but

they rarely earn customers’ real loyalty and are easily replicated by competitors.

Loyalty is the heartfelt allegiance expressed by customers who are not only satisfied, but are delighted and faithful to your

company’s products and services. Loyal customers glow when they talk about you.

They are advocates, believers, campaigners, sponsors, friends, and promoters of your organization. Not only do they

purchase a lot from you, they enthusiastically send other customers your way.

You build customer loyalty when the people in your organization show empathy for customers, take responsibility for

helping them reach their real goals, and treat them generously. Earning loyalty is much more than teaching good service

techniques or giving everyone a copy of Customer Service for Dummies and ordering the team to smile and say, ‘Have a nice day.’”

  • Sandy R.